We will be closed today so our Crew can enjoy the holiday. See you Monday.

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Kahuna's Progress in training

Since you last saw me, I’ve spent some time in one of the Women’s Prison Units while my Puppy Raiser was on summer vacation, and now I’m back at Texas A&M working hard to make you proud! I’ve been working on some new cues and have almost mastered one called “Go Through.” This will help if my future person ever needs me to go through a doorway or small space in front of them rather than beside them. Currently, though, my favorite cue is "Wave.” I love to show it off and see how happy people get when I get to say hi! Right now, my Raiser and I are focused on learning not to be so vocal when I get frustrated. They say I like to talk back when they’re trying to get me to do something I don’t want to do, so we’re working on getting better about that. At 8 months old, there’s still a lot to learn before I’m ready to find my person, but I hope to make you proud along the way!

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